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How to Turn Your Desires and Ideals Into Reality

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What Attractive Energy Of Matter Gives To Your Desires

Manifest Your Desires Effortlessly


Another stone in the path of faith and the attainment of your ideals and desires is the idea that matter is solid. As density was found to be but infinite energy space -the spiritual substance in which ideals and all things exist -what will solidity turn out to be when you come to know it as it is?

Iron seems to be a solid substance and very hard. Does its hardness reside in matter or is it due to the spirit or energy of matter? The molecules and atoms of iron are no harder or more solid than the molecules and atoms of butter. Yet, it is difficult to drive a nail into a piece of iron and easy to drive one into a chunk of butter. That which makes it difficult to drive a nail into iron is the degree of attractive force existing between the particles. It is this force that holds molecules and their respective atoms to each other. When you drive a nail into iron, what you overcome is the attractive force that tries to prevent the molecules being pushed apart. It is easy to force apart the molecules of butter to make space for a nail. In this case also, what you overcome is the attractive force that holds together the molecules and atoms of butter.

When the degree of attractive force is comparatively great, we say the matter is hard and solid. When it is smaller, we say the matter is not hard and not so solid. But it is not matter itself that is solid or not solid. In truth, solidity is but the spirit of matter. It is another manifestation -the infinite attractive energy found throughout the universe. It is as infinite as God. Matter is not solid! There is only one solid thing in the universe -the infinite attractive energy of God which holds all things together. Your ideals are of spirit. If you wish to change any part of your body, know that it is no more solid than the heavens; know that that which makes it appear solid and holds the tiny centers of force together, is but infinite attractive spirit; that this attractive spirit or energy is of God and is infinite.

Your soul -with its mind, love and life forces, is also of God. Being direct of God, made in His Image, you are supreme. Being supreme, your soul controls its ideals and their actualities. Do not deny evil; that which we call evil exists, but when you know its real nature you find it is good. The solidity, which you feared as an evil hindrance to the manifestation of your desires and ideals, is infinite attractive spirit, -the very force that gives your desires the power to attract all that is necessary to make them come true.