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Celestial Vibrations

Manifest Your Desires Effortlessly

It is the attitude that we assume toward incoming stimuli that suggests and determines the direction and kind of motor discharges or bodily reactions of all kinds. The individual who acts upon impulse is simply following the tendency of the stimulus: hence, he often has occasion to afterwards regret that he has done so.

"The stars incline, but they do not compel." During the spring quarter, nature brings forth new growth, but we may choose not to plant anything and it is easy to predict that with no planting there will be a shortage of food during the following winter.

The wise man does not rule his stars, he rules himself and acts in cooperation with the duly timed operations of nature, the results proving the wisdom of his choice.

On the other hand, we are most apt, under adverse aspects, to feel inharmonious and to act likewise, and thus bring displeasure and opposition, which produce obstacles, limitations, and difficulties.

The word "aspect" is the term that has been adopted to indicate the position of the planets relative to each other and their consequent influence upon the Earth and its inhabitants.

It will readily be seen that if Jupiter gets between Saturn and the Earth, the influence of Saturn is nullified—his vibrations do not reach us. It will thus be seen that the planets are continually forming angles by which they amplify or nullify the effect that might be expected.

An aspect will find response only in those who are attuned to receive that aspect, just as the wireless telegraph receiver is attuned only to the vibration of correspondingly tuned transmitters. Hence, one person may sense the working of an aspect while his own brother may not. The physical process of the effect of an aspect is a change in the chemical constituents of the human body so that some of the fluids are overcome, depleted, or diminished, while others may be increased.

The corresponding change in cell structure draws the attention of the mind to a recognition of disturbance in the body by means of aches, pains, sickness, and weakness.

In the realm of the mind, an adverse aspect of Sun and Saturn tend to mental depression, the extreme effect of which is melancholy, sarcasm, and resentment at apparent restraint and limitations or lack of opportunities. It also inclines to timidity, fear, and a tendency to retrench, quit, back down, and give up the struggle. For it is a struggle to those who are thus affected, and many who are ill succumb because of a preponderance of these feelings, while those who are not strong in a business way feel that the obstacles are too great, and so they fail where stimulating encouragement and kindly assistance from those who understand these aspects would tide them over the period of its influence until normal conditions again prevailed.

The Zodiac has been divided into twelve parts, each division possessing a distinction of its own. It is in these divisions of the Zodiac that the essence radiated by the Sun is incorporated with the gravities characteristic of the particular position of the Zodiac through which they pass, and every physical manifestation in the universe, be it mineral, vegetable, or animal, will express in its nature the character of the particular division of the Zodiac to which it is attuned.

At the moment of birth, when the child draws its first independent breath, filling the lungs and oxygenizing its blood with the elements of the atmosphere which at that moment prevail, according to the nature of the particular planetary aspects operating at that time and place, it receives impressions or tendencies to which it is always afterward responsive whenever like conditions re-occur among the vibratory influences of Zodiacal aspects. People respond to those vibrations or aspects to which they are attuned and they are immune to others.

The sign which is rising at the moment of birth is considered the natural indicator of character, and this will give twelve distinct types, briefly summarized as follows:

Aries. Frank and outspoken, combative, generous, assertive and impulsive, intuitive, yet fond of reason and argument.

Taurus. Dogmatic and obstinate, fearless and strong-willed, patient and determined; affectionate.

Gemini. Dualistic and restless, intellectual and sensational, nervous and irritable: yet kind and generous.

Cancer. Reserved and sensitive, sympathetic and tenacious, impatient yet persistent, impressionable and emotional.

Leo. Firm and self-controlled, persevering and ambitious; faithful, noble, and generous.

Virgo. Retiring and discriminative, yet ingenious; active, thoughtful, and speculative.

Libra. Refined, intuitive, perceptive, ambitious, artistic, sensitive, and just.

Scorpio. Reserved, determined, tenacious, secretive, wise, discreet, firm, proud, and resentful of injuries.

Sagittarius. Active, enterprising, frank, honest, generous, sincere, impressionable, introspective, and demonstrative.

Capricorn. Ambitious, penetrative, receptive, persistent, steady, inspirational, and politically inclined.

Aquarius. Intellectual, retentive, studious, thoughtful, diffusive, versatile, ingenious, and artistic.

Pisces. Emotional, secretive, patient, meditative, kind, generous, imitative, receptive, patient, and peace-loving.