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What Is ‘All’?

Manifest Your Desires Effortlessly

THE average person of today has not yet grasped the import of the atomic discoveries. His viewpoint colors his impressions in every direction and this viewpoint is still negative.

He continues to think of his body as physical— subject to deterioration and destruction. He continues to believe that all his mental processes are confined solely in his own brain.

Thinking that can grasp such undimensional immensities as infinity and eternity is supposed to originate and function within cells that are three dimensional and of brief duration. Thoughts with such scope as to include the sun, moon, planets, stars, as well as our earth and every known place and form upon it, these tremendous thoughts are believed to be photographed on the brain and packed away inside minute brain cells...

But what about this new Age of Mind, this Atomic Age, with its discoveries as to the nature of energy and form? What about the proofs that energy and mass are the same substance? And what about the revelation that this substance is MIND? Is it not more probable (and far more reasonable) that instead of our expansive thinking going on inside these restricted bodies, we embrace our bodies within a limitless mentality?

The Age of Mind reveals that you are your thinking. This does not mean "you are what you think you are" (a catch phrase sometimes heard today). It means that you are constituted of thought—thought that includes a personal body as well as a vast universe.

As you see this and really accept it in a practical way, you begin to live in harmony with this Atomic Age and it no longer presents terrifying aspects.

Can an atom bomb shatter your consciousness and your thinking if they are not limited to your brain? You will only think it can so long as you have not made practical the discoveries of the physicists; so long as you still think of yourself as living inside a destructible matter body, your mind encased within that body and functioning solely therein.

When you catch up with this Age you will find that basically you are a state of consciousness, you are your thinking, and in your thinking you embrace a concept of yourself as an individual. This mental concept takes form as your personal body. But this body exists in MIND and its substance is MIND, whether it appears as a mental concept of identity or whether it takes form as your personal "physical body."

It is not necessary to become a physicist to understand the true substance of our bodies and our world. "The mathematical calculations which hatched the atom bomb" would be incomprehensible to anyone but a great mathematician. There is another and a more reliable source for our information as to the actual nature of "matter."

Revelation can bridge the chasm between sense perception and reality, and can arrive at conclusions which work as positively as anything the physicists develop through intellect and instruments.

There is great difficulty however in liberating one's interpretation of revelation so that it is untinged with past education and preconceived opinions. To wash one's thought free from old convictions so that consciousness is like a clean slate on which TRUTH writes its own record—this is no easy task. It requires the same devotion of purpose that enables an Einstein or a Milliken to reverse time-honored beliefs about the atom and the universe.

The scientist builds up his conclusions with his great intellect, the spiritual discoverer must learn how to go beyond the intellect into the realm of pure MIND, must learn to wait on MIND for revelations unshadowed by intellectual bias.

When TRUTH establishes its own record it furnishes unmistakable proofs of its authenticity—it works in everyday life. This is because TRUTH includes everyday life. TRUTH is not abstract, vague and speculative. TRUTH means that which is true here and now, that which is actually going on at this moment in this place. How this activity of TRUTH is interpreted by an individual depends on the degree of his spiritual perception.

But it is TRUTH that is taking place no matter how it looks from a negative viewpoint.

When the intellect and sense testimony are laid aside the knowledge of TRUTH asserts itself as one's own individual consciousness. It comes first as pure feeling, as an awareness that GOOD is all there is to all... . Then this FEELING begins to explain itself. Gradually clear and simple realization unfolds—always a confirmation of that first great recognition that GOOD is ALL.

When the human intellect gets uppermost in thought, this FEELING disappears. It then seems like an incredible dream, utterly impossible of attainment. Struggling to hold it or to bring it back only deepens the gulf. There is something about the intellect that obscures the God-consciousness. When the intellect holds sway in me the FEELING seems far off and unreal.

It returns only as I let go, don't try to recapture it, don't fight the intellect that has seemed to blot it out; but take some time quietly by myself and LET GO TO THE ALLNESS—just accept the fact that it is present, that it is functioning, that this is enough for me. Soon the intellect is stilled and then again the FEELING appears, serene and sure of itself.

One learns through revelation that the primordial substance which is SPIRIT, MIND, has always been and will continue to be the only substance there is or can be. That which is completely ALL leaves no room for any other substance. Thus the substance of our bodies, our world, of every object and form throughout the universe is constituted of MIND, SPIRIT, taking form as creation unfolds but remaining forever the basic substance.

The discoveries of the physicists corroborate this divine testimony, as is stated in the previous chapter. MIND is interpreted as force or energy by the scientists who prove beyond question that mass and energy are the same substance even though they appear to be so different under certain conditions. But the intellect thinks of this substance as force while revelation knows it to be the infinite divine MIND ... and there is a great difference.

If MIND IS ALL, where do the numberless private personal minds come from? In what realm is the human intellect functioning when it claims to stop short of the realm of "mind," calling this realm unknown, believing it unknowable? The senses that perceive things the opposite of the way they are, the ignorance and mistakes and wrong education, the accidents and failures and tragedies, where do all these inconsistencies fit into the revelation of a universal MIND that is GOOD and that is all there is to everything? How can truth include a lie? How can that which is wholly good include evil even as a false concept? Is there any answer to such flagrant contradictions?

Yes, the time comes when the human intellect is developed out of itself into the intelligence that gives right conclusions to reason and brings confusion and doubt to rest.

Answers that are unmistakable to me came in an amazingly simple way. In the first place, I was convinced that the consciousness which could feel the ALLNESS could also explain it.

My part was to live consistently what I already understood to be true and in that way be prepared to find whatever was necessary for me to know concerning the age old riddle: Where do evil, suffering, destruction come from? If GOOD is all, how can there be more than ALL? Is there an outside to the INFINITE? Is there a place where God is not? To these questions there came always the same replies: GOOD IS ALL. THERE CANNOT BE MORE THAN ALL.

THERE IS NO OUTSIDE TO ALLNESS, NO PLACE WHERE GOD IS NOT... . I waited in full confidence that a satisfying explanation of the origin and nature of evil would be revealed which would not be in conflict with these unequivocal statements as to the allness of GOOD.

One day the answer appeared:

It was a Christmas day during World War II. I was looking at some children's toys. One was a set for printing camera films and in a prominent place was a negative of General Eisenhower. I recognized the features and for a moment paid no attention to the fact that the film showed him as a negro in a light uniform.

But suddenly this was startling to me and revelatory! Here was a good enough likeness of the man for me to know him at once and yet it showed him exactly the opposite of what he really was. I was looking at the picture of a man with black skin and yet there was no doubt as to his identity. Although I knew that Eisenhower was a white man, I also knew that negatives show light objects dark and dark ones light. So this negative did not mislead me.

The final process had not taken place, that was all. When the negative was properly printed it would come out all right and I would see a white man in a dark uniform... . But suppose I had been foolish enough to tamper with the negative, working over it until I had whitened the black skin, what would have happened? When the finished print appeared, it would have come out in reverse again and I still would not see Eisenhower as he was.

All that work over the negative would only have succeeded in perpetuating the exactly opposite impression of the man's real color.

Could there be an analogy in this printing process to humanity's slow progress from negative discordant existence toward constructive positive living? Could it be more than an analogy? Could this developing process in photography indicate a definite method in man's spiritual evolution?

How difficult it would have been to change the black Eisenhower in the negative film into a white one and how disappointing the result! Is not this exactly what mankind has been doing?

Fearing, worrying, struggling, fighting—trying with desperate efforts to make bad men into good ones, to make sick people into well ones, to make suffering humanity into improved humanity; so that finally it can progress out of humanity into divinity, out of "this evil material world" as it is so often called, into the spiritual realm, the kingdom of heaven or Nirvana or whatever way the various religions interpret the spiritual life... The results of all this centuries-old striving for improvement are not commensurate with these efforts.

If any business, for instance, of today had as much put into it in thought, money, labor and time as has been expended for world betterment in the last hundred years, with as small, a percentage of improvement as is evidenced at present throughout the world, would not that industry be pretty much of a failure?

And why this failure? Can it be that we have been working on the film stage of human progression in the wrong way? We tamper with the negative, trying to change it and improve it from within its own limitations, struggling to manipulate human beings into better human beings—while the necessary steps have not been taken to bring out the true picture.

We try to change the black Eisenhower into a white one instead of letting the right development go on and so bring to consciousness the correct impression of what is basically true all the while.

What is the right developing process? Certainly it is not to sit with folded hands and foggy mentality while misery and destruction run wild throughout the earth.

There is a way to become aware here and now of a good world and life worth living. This is primarily a subjective activity... . In the Age of Mind we come to realize that the first step in every experience is a mental step that takes place within consciousness. The tremendous fact that awareness is subjective means that it is possible to experience the reign of righteousness (right activity).

"Dominion over all the earth" can be a normal happening, not achieved through battling with and subjugating matter and evil; but by being able to see through them (like looking at a film held up to the light) and realizing that the appearance of the negative condition or personality indicates the presence of its exact opposite.

Just as looking through the film that showed me a black man told me at once that the man was white and when the further developing took place the final print would show him correctly.

Photography has been understood and used for so long that no one is confused by the reversal of light and dark shown in the negative. But we are just beginning to accept the idea that the "solid" substance we call matter is exactly the opposite of what it looks and feels like. The physicists have proof that all substance is actually "force," seen as mass or form under certain conditions and appearing as energy under others, so that what seems to be solid substance is not basically solid at all.

Knowledge about photography prevents us from using wrong methods in developing films and there is tremendous advancement in all lines of picture taking; but education along atomic discoveries, quantum physics and relativity is just beginning and there is comparatively little control over the forms of our bodies and our earth.

Until energy or force is comprehended in its true substance another step in spiritual evolution is necessary to bring about the understanding that reveals man's divine dominion over all the earth. It must be seen that the basic substance of energy is really MIND, SPIRIT, appearing as energy, as ideas, as what is called matter, depending on the conditions involved.

Limitations and trouble of every kind have gone on because the essential nature of the substance that is called matter has been believed to be the very opposite of what it actually, provably is. This has caused wrong methods of procedure in every direction and has created frustration and confusion, sickness and death, fear, poverty, hate.

Is it not obvious that this basic negative, the concept of substance as destructive and destructible, would make trouble in every direction? How can we have dominion over the forms of the earth until we know what their substance is? How can we govern our bodies properly until we know what they are really made of?

The atomic discoveries have brought such fear to most people that they have not seen through the immediate pictures of destruction to the tremendous import of these discoveries. The weight of centuries educated in the wrong direction overbalances the wonderful possibilities of the discoveries and we go on thinking and living from the standpoint of destructible substance. Yet we are on the threshold of liberty of action and safety of identity never before known on this planet.

These possibilities have been relegated to a distant period when actually all this is right at hand, here and now available. On rare occasions, the truth about substance takes over momentarily. In some crisis that looks like inevitable, destruction comes a sudden clear realization of the presence of God and one finds himself alive and safe.

Usually this is believed to be an act of providence, a miracle setting aside natural laws, instead of being understood as a "preview" of what is possible, indeed natural and normal, in everyday living in this Atomic Age, this Age of MIND.

Working endlessly over the negatives, instead of developing them correctly, is what causes the sorrows and struggles of humanity. The way out of this, the real "printing process"? It is to understand (with more than human intellect) the true substance of our bodies and our world; to look through the negatives of evil, limitation, fear—to see right there the presence of goodness and innate happiness unfolding directly in the all-inclusive MIND. The action that follows will be right action.

We learn to look through the negatives of sickness and pain to the presence of health and comfort, even through death to life appearing—and we get well. We learn to look through hate to recognize (and experience) the presence of loving kindness ... through poverty to plenty ... through sorrow to joy ... through fearing and fighting to the real peace and serene continuity of life.

Indeed it becomes seen that everything, absolutely everything is GOOD appearing, GOOD in action—GOOD, SPIRIT, MIND, taking form as form is needed, in endless variations of a good creation forever unfolding.

This all became clear after looking at the child's printing set... . Then I thought of another reversal of sense perceptions:

In taking a picture, the image appears inverted on the camera finder and there is a mechanical device which corrects this and shows the picture right side up. In optical vision the picture is inverted on the retina of the eye and the correction is made mentally. The newborn infant sees objects upside down until the other senses teach him how things really are. Quickly he learns to make this mental reversal and it becomes automatic and instantaneous.

We grow up and seldom realize that this mental adjustment is going on every moment our eyes are open.

Here are two specific ways in which sense perceptions are reversed: righting the inverted images so that what registers upside down can be seen right side up; and printing the negatives so that dark objects come out light and vice versa.

Gradually, another vital question regarding the all-ness of GOOD was answered: Why all reversals and inversions (all negatives) appear. THIS IS THE UNIVERSE OF MIND, AND THOUGHT CAN CONCEIVE OF OPPOSITES! Because there is something true a lie can be formulated. There would first have to be a truth, before there could be a lie. Putting it another way: Before a lie could be stated, there would have to be a truth about which to lie.

To illustrate further, suppose light could think. What would light think about itself and its opposite? Something like this possibly: To myself, I am light and I always stay light. But I can imagine what my opposite or absence would be—it would be darkness.

This darkness could not be (like myself) a universal constant, a permanent state, a self-perpetuating fact—nor would it be something that I (light) have to struggle over, fight against, in order to overcome it, in order to get rid of its effects. Darkness could only be supposition, imagery, fantasy, for wherever I am it is impossible for there to be darkness because I am a universal constant, I am light... . Now let us see how this can apply to the causal ENTITY in its activity as MIND.

This universal MIND might think somewhat along these lines: I KNOW I AM ALL because I include all creation within my limitless mentality. I am divinely intelligent, infinite and eternal. I am conscious constant all-embracing LOVE—without opposites, without opposition, without opposers, simply because I am one allness. I function as Self-perpetuating GOODNESS and LOVE. However, thought can suppose or imagine the opposite of this supreme universal constant, MIND.

This supposed opposite would be mentality that is not divine—a mental process (with resultant form and action) that would be limited, localized, temporary, destructive and destructible. It would be made up of opposites, with ensuing confusion, conflict, fear, destruction.

Because there is this ability of thought to conceive of opposites, unfolding creation has to include a negative, reverse or inverted stage. It has to work through this stage, out of it, and beyond it into its positive aspect in order to round itself out and completely fulfill itself... . Thus an idea is formulated in MIND, a basic fact or identity of creation.

This idea during its complete evolving to its permanent state has to be inverted and appear in the negative, in reverse, during its development, for the very purpose of proving the negative to be its opposite and not its true state. It is actually unavoidable that the inversion, the negative, shall appear and register in consciousness because of this fact that thought can conceive of opposites.

TRUTH is positive and eternal. Therefore the inversion or negative is only a temporary phase. It is possible for this phase to be developed as spontaneously and automatically as the mind rights inverted images on the retina of the eye. It can happen in a flash. It often does. If we note the moments of positive living in each day we are encouraged and inspired.

But there is no justification for expecting immediate release from all human problems and the generally established ways of living as of today. We cannot hope to walk on the water before we learn to walk on the land.

Nevertheless, one's own progression beyond negative living is not at the mercy of humanity's prevalent levels of interpretation. History shows unmistakably that salvation is individual. And by "salvation" I mean permanent freedom from sorrowful, discordant, limited, painful, hateful—in other words, negative experiences.

Sooner or later each negative will be developed out of itself and entirely dispelled from one's consciousness and the positive reality will of necessity become permanent in everyday living.

Thus the positive fact formulated in universal MIND is presented to consciousness at some point in a negative aspect and spiritual evolution has to give the vision that sees through this negative and recognizes the actual presence of the divine fact.

This fully "develops" the negative and brings to life and to view the true state, the divine fact—which can never be inverted into the negative stage; just as when the truth about any fact is positively established beyond question or doubt, the lie about that particular thing is never again believed true and it loses all power to perpetuate itself.

The eternal creative ENTITY has many attributes. As a guide to their characteristics we can take something we know to be true about the positive element "light": In light there is no possibility of darkness. From this fact it is obvious that the positive element GOOD includes in itself no evil (if there was any evil in good it would not be good); similarly LIFE includes within itself no death and LOVE no hate. These appear to be self-evident truths. MIND is also an attribute of God.

About MIND we have no justification for dogmatic assertions. Can any one person know with absolute surety all that goes on in the infinite MIND? Can any one person know exactly how the infinite MIND functions, or limit and define the thinking which operates in its illimitable activity?

For these reasons I cannot say with positive finality that this negative impression or stage is assuredly a supposition taking place in the universal MIND. However, if this MIND is infinite, must it not be inescapable that everything which is going on (whether as mental impressions or actual experiences) is in some way included in this MIND? Here I am—writing about it—thinking about it.

And I am convinced through reason, logic, and everyday living that this creative MIND is GOOD—GOOD in essence, GOOD in action; and in GOOD evil as a fact, a reality, does not exist. But in spite of these convictions, right at this moment I personally can mentally suppose or formulate conditions that I could not in any possible way include in my own actual living.

If I can imagine things I know to be impossibilities, have I any intelligent justification for declaring that a human being can entertain thoughts which the all-inclusive MIND cannot think? Must not all thinking be included in some manner in the MIND that is ALL? Can there be anything outside the INFINITE? (That which is "without limits of any kind" according to the dictionary definition of the word.) INFINITY has no "outside."

Someone has said "Every truth has practical consequences and these are the tests of truth." In my experience for many years, "practical consequences" have supported this concept of one universal MIND and the creative method. It "works" in human living in a practical way. It is for this reason that I must write about it.

Here let us take an illustration of the appearing of truth and its reversal in the negative stage of human development. The first verse of the Bible declares: "In the beginning ['the beginning' does not refer to time but to the fundamental process, primordial development] God created the heaven and the earth." This is the positive statement that MIND, the eternal creative PRINCIPLE, includes within itself the substance of all that will ever appear.

Then follows this: "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep." Here comes the negative impression of creation—the stage it has to include in its evolution because of the supposition of opposites. Formlessness, a void and darkness are presented to thought immediately after it has been specifically stated that heaven and earth have been created and are therefore already known to MIND.

Heaven and earth, illumination and form, are the exact opposites of a void and darkness. The next words show the rounding out of creation as it takes form. These words also show what it is that develops negative impressions: "And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." Then the record of creation continues from the positive true standpoint: "And God [creative MIND] said, Let there be light: and there was light."

The substance of light already existed in MIND, or MIND could not have known it as the primal substance of the universe... . Someone through spiritual revelation wrote these thousands of years ago and today the physicist writes: "the velocity of light is a universal constant." (ibid) They were talking about the same thing.

But for centuries the mistake of interpreting heaven and earth as two realms (instead of two aspects of the one creation) has shut the door to the facts stated in those first words of the Bible.

"Let there be light: and there was light." Understood as MIND knowing its own substance, this means that light (the idea in creative MIND) has to appear as visible light. Like every other aspect of creation light already existed in SOURCE-CONSCIOUSNESS and took form in divine evolution (unfolding creation).

Throughout the rest of the first chapter of Genesis appears the same procedure: MIND already including the multitudinous basic ideas of existence (or it could not have known what they were), then these ideas taking form as visible creation. And seen from the standpoint of primordial creative MIND it was all "very good."

In this first chapter and in the first five verses of the second is a record of creation from the standpoint of MIND witnessing its own unfoldment.

But this simple positive method of creation is inverted by the negative stage and there follows the reverse record, the better known Adam Allegory, which has done to the first account what a Hollywood motion picture sometimes does to a great true story—except that the Adam and Eve version has far outstripped Hollywood in reversing the facts as first submitted! For centuries Bible readers have accepted that negative story... .

Holding to such a bad start, no wonder that progress out of the negative stages has been slow.

The same thing has happened in other Scriptures as well as in the Bible. The spiritual illumination of some great character has been interpreted by his followers almost invariably from the negative standpoint. Mankind has accepted a material realm including in itself good and evil, health and sick ness, life and death, love and hate, joy and sorrow, and so on and on—opposites going hand in hand.

Humanity has bowed to these contraries as the inevitable lot of those who have not laid off "this material world" and risen into the spiritual "other world," supposed to be a future state achieved after the material is overcome. Death, the enemy resisted and fought against, is nevertheless believed to be the door through which all must pass to reach the heavenly state.

Now and then to some individuals "here on earth" has come the perception of reality, sudden unlimited awareness beyond all sense testimony, untouched by the human intellect. But these periods of mental freedom vanish because the negative stage is not yet developed out of itself, and the usual patterns of educated beliefs absorb us once more... . This wonderful illumination need not come as brief glimpses only.

Eventually it will appear, never to disappear, because it is divinely inherent in every man, woman and child.

But mankind as a whole is still blind to real being and few of us know how to let it continue spontaneously even after we have experienced its liberation for a time. From the standpoint of two realms, the spiritual and the material, the real and the unreal, it is inevitable that these moments of true consciousness are of short duration and frequently followed by some extreme pressure of materiality.

The spiritual "real" is never to be attained by a negative process such as dying. Nor will it be reached while it is believed to be a far-off place. Moses did not experience it in the journey from Egypt because he thought of it as "the promised land," a place somewhere ahead. Jesus called it "the kingdom of heaven" and taught that it is "within you," not outside, not afar in time or place, but a present individual state of consciousness.

When Jesus talked about the Father that dwelt in him he was referring to the spiritual realm. Not thinking of it as a "promised land" he achieved it. After the resurrection he revealed its outward effects—he showed it to be his normal existence. During the period between the resurrection and the ascension there is no record of Jesus meeting mobs of sick and dying people nor the rabble and the Pharisees hating and persecuting him.

From the extant account of his experience following the resurrection we find it wholly positive, remarkably free from physical limitations, rich in fulfillment. Those who came to him then were receptive—accepting his teachings, humbly and joyfully following him in understanding as far as their individual spiritual evolution enabled them to go... .

Twenty centuries later humanity is entering the Atomic Age, having made slow progress toward an approximation of the power over "material" conditions so freely exhibited by Christ Jesus and other Great Ones both before and after him.

One must find the reasons for this snail pace development in order to speed up the "printing process" and begin to live from the positive instead of the negative standpoint; to face this Atomic Age with the vision that enables one to say: Behold it is very good—proving this in daily living to be true beyond the shadow of doubt and fear.

Not understanding the real substance of our bodies and our world is one reason for the snail pace. Stemming from this incorrect foundation is the belief in the two realms, heaven and earth—also a retarding factor. These two mistaken or negative impressions about substance and life breed fear and frustration of every sort.

Another negative is the human fixation of a private mentality separate from the MIND of the universe. One phase of this negative ego is the human intellect, no matter how good or how brilliant it may appear to be. It is the intellect that makes the physicists think they must stop their calculations at the point where this intellect would have to silence itself and humbly accept the universal MIND.

It is this human intellect, believing in itself as one's own personal ego that says at every turn: I do not know—I do not have—I cannot do. This human intellect or ego is one of the negatives that must be developed into the real status of MIND.

There is no loss of identity in this development. Because the very nature of infinite MIND is ONENESS, it must express itself as individuality. Therefore its way of taking form is to individualize itself directly as each identity in the universe. This means that your own true MIND or EGO is the infinite and eternal, the basic ONE, individualizing and manifesting itself as your very own and completely individual identity.

In human evolution we see the "developing" and "printing" process in operation. Slow or fast, it goes through stages similar to printing a film. There is the true idea in MIND, its appearing in the negative, its gradual development to a true presentation of the basic idea, in form, in substance, in identity, and in eternal continuity... . To simplify this let's go back to the camera: Take some object—a white stone, wide at the base and pointed at the top.

A picture of this stone has been taken. The impressions of the stone registered on the camera lens upside down, the wide base above, the point below. And when the film was developed the negative showed a black stone. This actually indicated the real color to be white but in order that the true picture could appear the negative had to be printed. Then the final print showed a—white stone, wide at the base, pointed at the top.

This gave the correct impression of the color and position of the stone... . There was the actual object (the stone) to be photographed; the process included two specific stages when the truth about the object registered in reverse (in position and in color). Naturally none of the printing process had any effect on the stone itself; and when the final print appeared it was a true picture of the stone.

This of course is not an exact and complete analogy. Photography is only one of humanity's activities, while we are considering the vast subject of the cosmos. But photography does indicate the method of cosmic evolution; therefore the illustration helps some of us to go beyond the negative viewpoint, to FEEL the divine awareness as normal daily living, to actually see what is called the Absolute Truth appearing as present everyday experience.

When this orderly process of development is comprehended, it becomes possible to correctly estimate whatever is appearing in consciousness or in outward experience; and what is just as important, to know exactly what to do about it. If the impression that comes to me is constructive, presenting some aspect of goodness, love, intelligence, life, I know I am witnessing the direct appearing of God, causal MIND.

I accept this with full confidence in its permanent and indestructible nature and (what is most necessary) without opinions as to the forms of expression it will take. If instead I experience something in any way including the seeds of destruction, any tearing down of life, anything painful, worrisome, tragic, hateful, I must recognize this as indicating the presence of its exact opposite while still appearing in the negative stage.

I must resist the temptation to try to tamper with this negative. Instead I must see through it to what it negates. I must accept with all my being the presence and action of the opposite to that negative impression; and any negative has only one opposite—GOD, DIVINE TRUTH and REALITY. No negative could appear unless REALITY was the already present fact. This basic reality is creative MIND and this MIND defines its own evolving.

Therefore, when faced with a negative condition I must turn straight to the one creative MIND, recognizing that IT IS RIGHT THERE. Then this MIND unfolds what is specifically true about the negative. Putting it another way, when I turn to the MIND which includes the truth about everything, I become able to see as this MIND sees and the negative vision is superseded by the truth—I see as God sees.

This develops the negative and brings to my present experience the divine reality about the negative ... and this is the end of that negative.

This lets me experience MIND DEFINING ITSELF, instead of the human intellect trying to supplant an unpleasant negative with a human opinion as to what should be going on. In other words, I do not try to figure out with the human intellect what the reverse of the negative may be. I acknowledge the presence of divine MIND, GOD, as all that is there and thus I become aware of what is going on in divine reality.

This is the only way a negative condition can be developed into positive reality—with its goodness, its joy, its clear right activity taking over in present everyday living.

There is one thing, and one thing only, that will bring the true positive experience into one's life. This is to become aware of the truth about every-thing that registers in thought. "If ye continue in my word ... ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (Free from what is not true.) It is living the TRUTH that develops the negatives. It is a STEADY LIGHT that prints them.

Fearing ... fighting ... resisting ... also appeasing and cushioning a negative state never do anything in the long run but further it. Trying to avoid the consequences of our own negative impulses, thoughts, actions, trying to shield others from theirs, only perpetuates them.

Would you get pictures from your films if you skipped the acid bath and gave them only the printing process? Just like the roll of films taken from one's camera, the negative stage of human development has to have its acid bath. Resisting it and fighting it, selfish efforts to avoid it, are what make it hard and painful. Accepting it, learning from it, seeing how to go forward in it, make one ready and able to see through it and beyond it with the bright light of TRUTH in consciousness.

Gradually come the final stages of development, the disappearing of negative emotions and experiences, the conscious continuous participation in all that is good in serenely purposeful living.

This negative state in divine evolution does not mean that negative impressions must go on forever, appearing simultaneously and perpetually side by side with positive eternal realities. The end of all supposition of negative concepts and conditions will inevitably occur for each individual when the ALLNESS of the positive reality is so clearly and consistently understood that response to negative impressions is entirely wiped out of consciousness.

This glorious state of being is illustrated in the positive constant, light. As said before, to light itself there is no darkness. Darkness does not exist in light, in it there is no possible response to darkness... . Being the LIGHT of positive awareness without lapse will be the end of negative living for the one who has developed to this fullness of divine identity.

Here is the answer to "the problem of evil" and it is a simple answer: EVIL IS GOOD APPEARING IN THE NEGATIVE STAGE. Seeing this with the human intellect alone is not enough to "develop" the negative and bring the GOOD to view. There is no divine LOVE in the human intellect. This is its great lack and this constitutes its inadequacy. For it is impartial all-inclusive love, strong and active, that alone can shed the light that dispels every negative.

Love alone is able to see through the unlovely and behold the GOOD right where evil is rampant. Love alone is wise enough to know the paths of right procedure. Love alone is great enough to establish health where the negative verdict is "incurable." Love alone gives courage not to tamper with the negatives but to trust them to LOVE's sure development and tender care.

This love is not religious ecstasy or emotional rapture—nor is it reserved for special occasions or special people. It is lived as everyday thoughts and actions. It is neither sentimentality nor even primarily personal devotion— although it shows itself in loving-kindness, courtesy, consideration, and as tender understanding affection in human relationships. This love includes real self-love, a just and right yet truly humble acceptance of one's basic integrity.

From this unselfish self-love comes the ability to "love thy neighbor as thyself," to honor the divinity inherent in your neighbor because you have found it in yourself... . This kind of love is the motive power and the very essence of that FEELING which is SOUL individualized. Above all, this love does not require another person to call it forth. It wells up like an artesian from within—overflowing upon outward living. It can be defined as GOOD WILL IN EVERYDAY ACTIONS.

Recently a newspaper article by the sociologist Howard Whitman, described this love and its effects in family and social contacts and in the medical field as well. Let me quote a bit of it for this is really news!

"I hear the doctors and sociologists using a new term these days. They say, 'So-and-so is a love person!' They mean he has a mature, healthy personality—he has a strong ability to love. HE DOES NOT 'LOVE' JUST HIS WIFE, OR HIS POSSESSIONS, HIS SPECIAL FRIENDS OR HIS DOG.

HE LOVES—PERIOD. Love becomes a total orientation of the personality. The love person has a healthy love of himself and he loves everyone else, too— humanity in general and his wife and children in particular. Hate is seen as a diseased form of love."

Mr. Whitman could have said: HATE IS LOVE APPEARING IN THE NEGATIVE STAGE... . This is the answer to "Where does hatred come from?"

Each individual indulgence in hate will sometime work itself out—self-inflicted torment is its acid bath. It will finally live through and out of this terrible inversion of life and come to the true self, the "loveperson." This is the climax of hatred—some day to "come to himself" like the Prodigal Son in the parable... .

The story of Starr Daily is a striking illustration of violent criminal hatred wearing itself out and developing into a great life and a great love for mankind. This is told in a remarkable autobiography called "Release" (Harper and Brothers Publishers).

LOVE is all there is to be... . How does this universal LOVE function? How does this LOVE appear to mankind? The disciple John could write "God is love" because he had seen it lived by man. That is the way LOVE functions. It is both the revelation and the proof of man's native element.

Love is the essential characteristic of the LIFE-PRINCIPLE—LOVE loving ITSELF. And in its living allness this LOVE precludes the possibility that any perversion of self-love can perpetuate itself or hold back the development of each individual into his true SELF.

LOVE'S creation evolves through the vision of its own nature, takes form in the substance of its own indestructible BEING. In the unfolding of man's positive identity the negative concepts of limited, selfish, self-centered self-love progress beyond themselves into the fulfillment of divine SELFHOOD. LIFE, the life we see and feel, is not something developed inside bodies and objects. LIFE is a universal presence—like light, a universal constant.

LIFE takes form as individual identities but it is not confined within these forms nor limited to them. LIFE is greater than the forms it takes. LIFE remains present whether or not the forms are recognized by the senses. LIFE and MIND are the same substance, the substance that is universal indestructible ALLNESS.

Let the MIND that is LIFE define life. Let go of opinions about life. Still the human intellect and acknowledge that the one universal MIND knows all that is knowable about life. Because you are this MIND identifying itself (your consciousness is SOURCE-CONSCIOUSNESS) you can know whatever you need to know about LIFE in each living moment.

You are in LIFE and you are LIFE. You will always be in LIFE and you will always be LIFE, no matter what form your life may take, visible or invisible to human sight... . You did not originate LIFE. It was never originated, being a universal constant. LIFE can never end because it never began. No one can ever get outside LIFE, be separated from LIFE, or lose LIFE.

Your conscious experiencing of LIFE will change and develop throughout your divine progression but you will always remain what you are—LIFE IN THE LIVING.

Understanding that the life we see everywhere, the LIFE animating every form of life through all nature as well as humanity, understanding this to be universal LIFE appearing as form, and knowing that this is GOD appearing, has marked effect in everyday life, in one's bodily health, one's relations with other people—and with nature as well. Fear of storms, earthquakes, fires, fear of poisonous reptiles and ferocious animals will gradually disappear—along with any danger from them.

Fear of human enemies will vanish when you see all mankind as LIFE, GOD, GOOD, taking form and action in limitless variety and versatility, yes, but always remaining one and the same LIFE... . You can put a WELCOME sign over the mental home you are building day by day instead of plastering it over with "No Trespassing"!

ALLNESS means ONENESS and the LIFE of one is the LIFE of all. Know this and know, too, that the MIND of one is the MIND of all, and it becomes a transformed world which faces you in this Atomic Age ... and you can face it with "WELCOME" in your heart.