Above Life's Turmoil
Contentment In Activity

The confounding of a positive spiritual virtue or principle with a negative animal vice is common amongst writers even of
what is called the “Advance Thought School,” and much valuable energy is frequently expended in criticising and condemning,
where a little calm reasoning would have revealed a greater light, and led to the exercise of a broader charity.
The other day I came across a vigorous attack upon the teaching of “Love,” wherein the writer condemned such teaching as weakly,
foolish, and hypocritical. Needless to say, that which he was condemning as “Love,” was merely weak sentimentality and hypocrisy.
Another writer in condemning “meekness” does not know that what he calls meekness is only cowardice, while another who attacks
“chastity” as “a snare,” is really confusing painful and hypocritical restraint with the virtue of chastity.
And just lately I received a long letter from a correspondent who took great pains to show me that “contentment” is a vice,
and is the source of innumerable evils.
That which my correspondent called “contentment” is, of course animal indifference. The spirit of indifference is incompatible with progress, whereas the spirit of contentment may, and does, attend the highest
form of activity, the truest advancement and development. Indolence is the twin sister of indifference, but cheerful and ready
action is the friend of contentment.
Contentment is a virtue which becomes lofty and spiritual in its later developments, as the mind is trained to perceive and
the heart to receive the guidance, in all things, of a merciful law.
To be contented does not mean to forego effort; it means to free effort from anxiety; it does not mean to be satisfied with sin and ignorance and folly, but to rest happily in duty done, work acomplished.
A man may be said to be content to lead a grovelling life, to remain in sin and in debt, but such a man’s true state is one
of indifference to his duty, his obligations, and the just claims of his fellow-men.
He cannot truly be said to possess the virtue of contentment; he does not experience the pure and abiding joy which is the
accompaniment of active contentment; so far as his true nature is concerned he is a sleeping soul, and sooner or later will
be awakened by intense suffering, having passed through which he will find that true contentment which is the outcome of honest
effort and true living.
There are three things with which a man should be content:
1. With whatever happens.
2. With his friendships and possessions.
3. With his pure thoughts.
Contented with whatever happens, he will escape grief; with his friends and possessions, he will avoid anxiety and wretchedness;
and with his pure thoughts, he will never go back to suffer and grovel in impurities.
There are three things with which a man should not be content:
1. With his opinions.
2. With his character.
3. With his spiritual condition.
Not content with his opinions, he will continually increase in intelligence; not content with his character, he will ceaselessly
grow in strength and virtue; and not content with his spiritual condition, he will, everyday, enter into a larger wisdom and
fuller blessedness. In a word, a man should be contented, but not indifferent to his development as a responsible and spiritual
The truly contented man works energetically and faithfully, and accepts all results with an untroubled spirit, trusting, at
first, that all is well, but afterwards, with the growth of enlightenment, knowing that results exactly correspond with efforts.
Whatsoever material possessions come to him, come not by greed and anxiety and strife, but by right thought, wise action,
and pure exertion.